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Серия состоит из 10 книг.
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Серия состоит из 2 книг.
Серия о Хизер Уэллс [1]
Серия, состоящая из 3-х книг (в России переведены 2 книги).
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В России:
В первый день весеннего семестра у помощницы директора студенческого общежития Хизер Уэллс появилось много поводов для беспокойства. Одна из девушек колледжа потеряла голову, причем в буквальном смысле... Тело убитой загадочно исчезло. Перепуганные студенты... Полная неразбериха в личной жизни: бывший жених настаивает, чтобы Хизер присутствовала на его свадьбе... долго отсутствовавший отец намеревается наладить отношения и даже пожить у дочери... любимый мужчина никак не поймет, что она - девушка его мечты... Но хуже всего, что Хизер начинает собственное расследование убийства.
Ироничный детектив, продолжение книги "Я не толстая".

Former pop star Heather Wells has settled nicely into her new life as assistant dorm director at New York College—a career that does not require her to drape her size 12 body in embarrassingly skimpy outfits. She can even cope (sort of) with her rocker ex-boyfriend's upcoming nuptials, which the press has dubbed The Celebrity Wedding of the Decade. But she's definitely having a hard time dealing with the situation in the dormitory kitchen—where a cheerleader has lost her head on the first day of the semester. (Actually, her head is accounted for—it's her torso that's AWOL.)
Surrounded by hysterical students—with her ex-con father on her doorstep and her ex-love bombarding her with unwanted phone calls—Heather welcomes the opportunity to play detective . . . again. If it gets her mind off her personal problems—and teams her up again with the gorgeous P.I. who owns the brownstone where she lives—it's all good. But the murder trail is leading the average-sized amateur investigator into a shadowy world. And if she doesn't watch her step, Heather will soon be singing her swan song!

В Великобритании:
For slightly older readers
It's the first day of the winter semester at New York College and assistant dorm director Heather Wells has a lot more to worry about than roommate conflicts. One of the college cheerleaders has lost her head - literally - in the cafeteria, and no one can find the rest of her.
As she struggles to cope with a demoralized student body and her famous ex desperate for her to attend his celebrity wedding fo the decade, Heather soon finds herself on the trail of the murderer; a trail which leads her to the door of one of New York College's oldest fraternities...
Combining murder and man troubles, Meg Cabot will delight legions of fans with this deliciously intriguing yet fun take on the straight-laced detective story.


Источник: http://megcabot.ucoz.ru
Категория: Серия о Хизер Уэллс | Добавил: Moscovitz (04.01.2009)
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